Father Wound Coaching


Step #1 – Complimentary Discovery Session

To begin your journey towards healing, we start with a complimentary discovery session. During this session, we will delve into your unique situation, aspirations, challenges, and the specific support you are seeking.

This conversation, which usually lasts for around 60 minutes, offers ample time to address everything that needs attention. Many clients find this initial conversation to be incredibly insightful, leaving with newfound clarity and a brighter vision for their future.


Step #2 – Tailored Coaching Programme

If we both feel excited about working together, I will recommend a personalized coaching programme designed specifically to meet your needs. Together, we will determine the most effective path forward, ensuring you achieve the desired results as efficiently as possible.

I only work with individuals who genuinely desire to work with me, just as much as I am eager to work with them. Our coaching relationship thrives on mutual excitement and commitment.


Step #3 – Ongoing Coaching Support

Once we decide to work together, you can expect regular coaching sessions. These sessions will help you gain clarity, create a strategic action plan, and hold you accountable for your progress. There are no false promises or mystical approaches involved – just a pure focus on your growth.

From day one, you can count on my unwavering support. Together, we will navigate your healing journey and unlock your true potential. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me. And if you would like to schedule your complimentary discovery session, simply fill in the form below. I am here to guide you on your healing journey.

Here’s to your healing and success

Adam Majrouh
Men’s Father Wound Coach